What have you been wanting but can't seem to achieve? Is there anything that has been eluding you? Perhaps it is a relationship goal. Perhaps it's a career goal. Perhaps it's a spiritual or personal goal. No matter what it is for you personally, this workshop is designed to clear the blockages that are preventing you from getting what you want.
The number of attendees will be intentionally limited for this workshop so that Teal will be able to offer some personal focus to each person in attendance.
Reserve your spot today!
What are previous attendees saying?
"Teal is a revolutionary, her teachings can be considered old and wise or fresh and new - In either case they touch you in the deepest way possible. She doesn't sugarcoat anything and will tell you exactly what you need to hear, however she's sensual enough to attune to how you feel and walk along side to help you get to where you want to be, which essentially is feeling better.
She completely changed my life. I am currently standing on a foundation that cannot be shaken, it is based on beliefs that have been endlessly cross examined, I am attuned with my feelings to such an extent that now I can't disown them even if I try. I feel stronger and younger and I'm going to be the parent who will help create a new generation of physically and emotionally healthy individuals who will live in a more intimate and connected world.
All this is because of Teal's teachings and the last Teal's Success Workshop that helped me see my deepest shadows that no one else would ever point out in my life."
- Suren, The Success Workshop, 2017 Feb
"I attended the [workshop] to get rid of my limitation on success, thinking if I was more successful financially a lot of my troubles would be solved. I did not want to not return home in the same way. Oh man, I did not expect the altering to be so powerful. Teal delivered me exactly what my soul needed to unravel the unconscious fragments at play. I am still realizing more and more dynamics that I encountered during the weekend and it really got to my core. I think so much ego was keeping me in a stagnate state, my shadows needed to be triggered very intricately. This workshop helped me to stand more in my own truth than ever before. I can see that it is really a challenge for Teal to so lovingly offer her gifts to us in our most vulnerable states. And my heart is very grateful to her for giving the exact message and awareness to really propel me into deep healing and put me on the path to success."
- Kristyn, The Success Workshop, 2017 Feb
“The [Workshop] definitely was a great success for me! As anything really, which comes from Teal! I learned on an emotional level why I was unconsciously ready to fail rather than to shine. Surprise, surprise! This workshop by far had the greatest liberating and empowering impact, then any other workshop I have done before.
I am very moved by Teals gentleness and clarity and the ability to hold space for everyone even in the most delicate situation. I choose her as my teacher, because she is real and shows vulnerability unlike many other teachers and therefore her way to teach is unique and ingenious! She lets you gain your own experience and lets you find your own truth and picks you up from wherever you are at the given moment. Through the group work I had the chance to view things from different perspectives, this is how I found similarities within others, which gave me validation for my own self, which strengthened the connection to myself and therefore the connection to others too. Since the [Workshop] I dare to step out of my comfort zone day by day and I do things that I have not expected I would be doing.
On top of that I have gained deep connections and friendships to some amazing participants from the workshop. I also have been using some of the exercises to help my own team gain some new level of consciousness and the impact of course is powerful. In my view this workshop is invaluable, it is full of surprises and gifts, especially when you are open and hungry for growth!”
- Carmen, The Success Workshop, 2017 Feb
Paying does not gaurantee attendance. Any applications that are NOT accepted will receive a notification and full refund by the workshop commencement.
The Venue will be in Salt Lake City, UT and will be announced before the event.
Lodging and Food are not included, only lunches during event days.
Best Regards,
Teal Team